Does anybody else remember Capcom’s Dead Rising? It was an early Xbox 360 videogame and one of the first major zombie games of the new millennium. Here’s my take on the game’s hero, investigative reporter Frank West. Frank’s an abrasive and sarcastic kind of guy but he has a heart of gold and does the right thing when it counts. He’s one of the few characters of that generation of gaming that I still remember, so that’s gotta count for something.
For this figure, I tried to recreate the look of the game where the characters look blocky, yet have realistic skin textures. The head is a crazy dummy (i think) head which I re-sculpted to look cartoonier and irritated, just like Frank. Chainsaw is some Power Team POS that I repainted and weathered.
Anyways, here’s a preview. I’ll shoot better pix once I’ve weathered & re-done all of the zombies for my shelf dio.

Is this figure for sale? I’d love to have one! Frank, and by extension the Dead Rising brand, are my all time favorite video games. 🙂
Hi Paul,
Thanks for your interest! This is not for sale as it’s part of my personal collection. If I make another one, I will definitely drop you a line. Thanks!
Hi, I know this is 3 years later but I really hope you can answer this (or at least see it lol); is there any chance you could make another one or sell this one??? And if so, how much would it be??? I’m really interested, I think you made an amazing job there and I really really love the series, so having my own frank would be awesome!!! Thanks for your time, what an awesome piece of art you made there, mad respect ?
I know it’s like 3-4 years later from this but I really hope you can answer me this (or at least read it lol); 1.- is there any chance you make another figure like this one to sell, even to sell this one? Maybe you’ve been asked but since I looked at your amazing job there I really want to have my own copy of Frank (even if it’s just the figure with less accessories), and 2.- if you do so, how much would the cost be? I’m insanely interested, I really think you make an incredible job and as a fan from the saga It would mean a lot to me ?
Hope you can answer, really amazing work
Not at the moment, but I’ll give you a heads up if things change. It would be quite hard to find some of the parts these days in order to create the same thing and that would increase the costs as well. Thanks for the kind words and interest.